At The River, we believe that growing your faith goes beyond attending service. It takes work to cultivate and nurture the strength of the Spirit within you, so we offer multiple ways for you to get deeper involved via studies, fellowshipping opportunities, and more. Take a look below at our adult ministries, co-ed Bible study, and more.

Men of Faith is The River’s men’s ministry, and we aim to strengthen friendships and create true brotherhood between men 18+ at the church. We believe that as God’s family, we’re called to share in each other’s burdens, delight in one another’s joys, and love amidst adversity. Throughout the year we hold various studies to learn to apply biblical principles to our everyday lives, and we also coordinate several casual hangout events for fellowshipping.

Girl power is real, and it’s found at Flourish! Our women’s ministry exists to bring ladies 18+ together to pursue their desire of better understanding, experiencing, and living out God’s wisdom and love. We are also huge fans of having fun, so we host studies, workshops, events, and gatherings several times a year to maximize our time together, all while keeping Jesus at the forefront of everything we do.

Legacy Seniors is comprised of our fantastic group of 60 and up friends. Come join us at The River for our monthly meetings on every first Thursday, from 11:30AM – 1:30PM. During this time we worship God, chat and have snacks, play lighthearted games, and simply enjoy the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We take a small hiatus during the summer months, so make sure to visit the calendar to know when we’re gathering!

For anyone new to The River, The Current is where you’ll learn all about who we are as a church. In this one-day welcome experience, we’ll introduce you to our history, vision, and mission. The current is held on the last Sunday of every other month starting in February and is free to attend! No registrations necessary, just come join us at 9AM in Room 115 when class is in session. We’re looking forward to meeting and getting to know you!

Saved to Serve is our volunteer gateway course. Available at all times, this short series of videos will help prepare you to join one of our SERVE teams! God has gifted everyone with individual, unique talents and gifts, and what a better way to give Him glory for them than to put them to use at His House!
This material is underway and will be available in the very near future. Keep an eye out! Thanks for your interest in being an active part of the Body of Christ!
Nothing in the Christian life would be possible without God’s Word. It’s crucial that our knowledge and understanding of the Bible continue to grow, and not become stagnant. We offer biannual Bible studies so that we can be not only hearers of the Word, but doers too. Depending on the material, some classes might have a small registration cost, and some will be free to attend. Pastors Jim and Tracy Xavier co-teach these courses, and you can take a look at the kinds of studies we’ve previously held. We’d love to see you at the next one, so stay on the lookout for updates and announcements!

When we spent some time with these two books of the Bible, we learned that the people of Philippi and Colossae faced problems within the church similar to those we are still confronted with today.

Pastor Jack’s study book, The Fortress: How to Armor Your Heart, helped us to better understand the vitality of learning to defend yourself against the forces of the enemy.

This rich study of the book of Romans enlightened us to the truth of what it means to be Christlike, Jew or Gentile, along with a historical look at the early Christian church in Paul’s day.

We dove deep into the details of the Tabernacle’s physical components as well as their spiritual significance, and the meticulously specific relationship God wanted to have with His people.
For information and updates on all these ministries, make sure you’re connected with us on Church Center and keep an eye on our events calendar!